The Landlord and Tenant Board (the "LTB") has established an LTB Practice Advisory Committee (the "Committee") whose mandate is to function as a resource to the LTB for consultation and feedback regarding:
The Committee's focus is on the effectiveness of the above in carrying out the LTB's mandate to provide fair, just, accessible, cost-effective and expeditious processes for the resolution (by way of public information, early resolution or adjudication) of proceedings before it.
The Committee is not intended to be a forum for the discussion of:
The Committee will have two (2) co-chairs, one representing the perspective of landlords and one representing the perspective of tenants. The co-chairs will be selected by the SJTO Executive Chair and the LTB Associate Chair and will serve a three (3) year term and may be invited to serve a second three (3) year term.
The Committee shall be composed of the following members:
Committee members referred to in clause 4.c. will serve a two (2) year term with the proviso that the timing of initial terms will be staggered in order to ensure continuity. Members may be invited to serve a second two (2) year term. Members who are representative of landlords and tenants will be selected by the co-chairs through an invitation to express an interest in serving on the Committee, posted on the SJTO website.
The Committee shall meet at least three (3) times per year, in-person where possible. The Committee co-chairs will take an active role in determining the agenda items to bring forward for discussion.
In order that the Committee may function in a collaborative atmosphere that encourages candour, members of the Committee will maintain reasonable discretion and confidentiality with respect to Committee discussions.
Committee representatives designated by the co-chairs may participate in any Tribunal consultation with users of the LTBs services to further the Committee's effectiveness as a resource to the LTB.